Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow!

Its winter-time. There are several things about winter-time that I love (e.g., snuggling on the couch when its cold out, and ummmmm..... Okay, maybe not several), and several things about winter-time that I strongly dislike. I probably would even use a stronger expression than "strongly dislike" but we have a "we don't say H*TE" policy in effect at our house.

Possibly the #1 thing I ha.., I mean strongly dislike, about winter-time is preparing my children to play in the snow. There's a lot of tugging and pulling and stuffing that goes on to keep them warm. And of course, they only need to be warm for about 5 minutes, because then they either have to come in to the potty, or they are "all done outside."

This is why my girls, ages 3 and 5, have played in the snow about three times in their entire lives. I know, I know. You're thinking, "Oh those poor girls. They need to experience building a snowman, and sledding, and other wonderful winter-time things."

And I'm here to tell you that they don't. Not on a regular basis anyway.

My mommy-guilt came into play, though, when Rory started playing in the snow at recess and she just went on and on about how much fun it is, and her mittens really don't work because she can't pick up the snow and the toys to build things and on and on and on. Guilty, guilty, guilty. Depriving my children of such a basic joy. I wondered to myself, how could I let them play in the snow without subjecting myself to the previously-mentioned tugging, pulling and stuffing? And then it came to me.....Papa Mark would do it!

I called Grandma Julie the week before Christmas and told her the girls would sure enjoy playing on a big snow pile. The kind of snow pile Sukey and I played on when we were kids, before Papa was "Papa" and when he was just "Dad." And sure enough, Grandma Julie passed the message on to Papa. And then Grandma Julie was on the phone telling me about the pile they were admiring from the kitchen window. Jackpot!

So the day after Christmas, the girls bundled up (and yes, I still had to tug and pull and stuff) and went out to play on the snow pile that could only be created with Papa's loader tractor. Soren had trouble walking in the deep snow, but managed to "help" Chris make two snowmen. Rory climbed on the snow pile, and with extensive help from Papa, slid down in the sled about 20 times. There was some crying, but for the most part, it was all good. Grandma Julie and I went out for a while to take some pictures, but then went inside where it was much warmer.

Once the girls got tired of climbing, throwing, falling and sliding, Papa pulled them all over in the sled. So the tugging, pulling and stuffing was good for over an hour. Definitely worth it.

Rory's favorite part was "sliding down the hill and falling off the sled."

And Soren's favorite part was "making a big snowman with Daddy."

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Fun

Christmas is over (although we are still looking forward to a belated gathering in a few weeks), and now we are trying to find a place for all the stuff we brought home. The kids are really enjoying their toys, and the mom and dad are really "enjoying" the opening, assembling, and battery-ing going on.

While we clean up the mess that has overtaken our home, please enjoy some pictures from the last few days:

The girls had a "sleepover" with Lauren and Lindsey at Grandma Sharon's. The big girls were so nice to let the little girls do their hair (and color with them, and make crowns with them).

On Christmas Eve we tracked Santa on the internet. The kids got really excited when he got closer. They could hardly sit still for a picture before going to bed!

Beck's new friend, A.J., was a gift from Santa. Beck loves to chat with him. (I think its the wild hair they have in common.)

All the kids were up early on Christmas morning. The girls just don't understand why Santa doesn't wrap every item in their stockings like Grandma Julie does. Hmmmmmm........ I'll have to ask him.

The girls caught garbage at Grandma Julie's to keep them entertained while others were opening gifts.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Claus is coming to town....

....but we won't be there to see it.

Some of you may recall that last year we went to see Santa arrive in DeWitt on a fire truck. We waited in line for about 20 minutes. In December. In Iowa. It was a bit chilly.

And the minute Santa began climbing down from the truck, Soren and Rory both began screaming. (I realize scream is a strong word, but it may not be strong enough to describe what they did given the close quarters and proximity of their mouths to my ears.) So we did not "see" Santa anymore than that. No lap-sitting. No requests. Nothing.

So this year we skipped the entire arrival-of-Santa festival (or whatever they call it) and tried to be more low-key. On the last possible day to visit Santa in DeWitt, I announced we should go tell him what we wanted. Immediate responses:

Soren: "I'll stay home with Daddy. You take Rory and Beck."
Rory: "Oh goody! I'm gonna tell him I want a giraffe!"
Beck: Grinned a grinny grin, catching the excitement already.

It turned out Rory's enthusiasm quickly waned. "I just don't feel like it." Okay. I wasn't going to re-create last year's scene, so Chris only took Beck. He seemed happy enough to go. He asked Santa for a new snowblower. (Chris did, anyway. Beck can't talk yet.)

I told the girls I didn't know if Santa would bring toys to girls who didn't sit on his lap. And then I got a lecture from Rory.
Here are the reasons Santa will bring you presents, even if you don't go to visit him (according to Rory, of course):

#1- "He loves all the children."
#2- "I've been kinda good this year...kinda."
#3- "I haven't lied. This year."

So we'll see what happens. Will Santa bequeath them with gifts? Check back in a week or so and we'll see what's what.

We've been MIA....

So you've proabably noticed that I haven't put anything on here since September. Its not that stuff hasn't been happening....all kinds of stuff has been happening. That's sort of the problem. So much stuff, so little time.

Coming soon:
*Reasons Santa will bring you presents even if you don't sit on his lap
*Baby Beck pictures
*Christmas at our house