Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 - The Year in Review

Happy New Year!

We celebrated the coming of 2010 by hanging out with our good friends the Trotters and the Riecks. A good time was had by all!

If you haven't noticed, I've not been posting about the Maricle Mom happenings for (gasp!) a full year. It's time to get with the program, and what better time than...a new year!

First, a report on the predictions the girls and I made in my last post (back in January of 2009). Some people might call my predicitions "goals," but I'm really not that dedicated or driven to actually have those kind of goals. So, predicitons they remain.

- going to 1st grade - CHECK!
- getting her own locker - no dice (maybe next year?) Although organizational skills appears to be one area that Rory could use some help with. Maybe a locker would have done the trick. We'll never know.
- piano lessons- CHECK! - started in September and she's already playing with both hands at the same time on the white keys!

- big girl swimming lessons - CHECK! - passed level 1 (with not too much trouble)
- more preschool - CHECK! - every morning, and she rides the big school bus with the big kids!

-crawling - CHECK!
-walking - CHECK!
-growing - CHECK!

And we did get to a beach. It was very small at a very small lake, but there was sand and water and shovels and pails. So....CHECK!

Who knows what 2010 will hold? I'll try better to keep you updated!

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