Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Soren gets a boo-boo....

Today after Chris got home, he took the girls out in the front yard to play and ride bikes, scooters, etc. (I still don't let them play out front by themselves. I just don't trust drivers on our street.) After a few minutes I heard the door open, and a quiet whimpering sound. Then, as if she just HAD to spill the beans to anyone she could, Soren said,

"I'm BLEEDING, Copper and Tilly!"

Apparently they were the first "people" she saw, and she was really needing some sympathy. It was the funniest thing I've heard in quite a while.

It was not a huge deal - a fall off the scooter and a scrape on the inside of her ankle. Nothing a little Curious George band-aid couldn't fix.

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